Where has the time gone? I have come to the realization that for me to be truthful with my self and to succeed with the blog and my shop that I am going to have to be truthful with this blog. Make sense? For so long I have been so frightened of putting myself out there, writing about my life and what is really going on because in the past with just Facebook and one small status I have caused and stirred up so much conterversery. But I guess I am tired of being scared and I guess a little tired of being worried about what certain people think of me.
First off, here is what you should know, the basics to what you should always come back too.
I have a huge heart
I love my family and they come first
I love God, and without Him I truly nothing, even though I may not quote scriptures daily on my blog. He is my world and light unto my feet.
I cannot sit still and must stay busy
I am people pleaser.
So Here is where I am today. I am gone from my previous full time job of 8 years and am now totally working from home. STILL working 2 jobs, which are my shop, Rustic Homemade (found here on Etsy) and for a big Company that has made it possible for me to do everything from home. It has taken a bit of getting used too since I was used to seeing people everyday and have your run of the mill conversations. Now, I just have conversations with my self and I am not that intersting. All this happened back in July and also since then Rustic has stayed fairly busy and I anticipate the holdiay season will be as well. I love that! I have a brain that never rest, always thinking of new ideas, things I need to do and building helps me focus and relax. Who knew a circular saw could be relaxing? LOL.
I also have a few more dining tables in the works for a few friends, some I have built, some I am building. Really I am waiting for the weather to be a bit more cooler because here in Florida building in 90 degree weather is brutal!
Jackson contiues to do well and is too smart for his own good. We are almost potty trained and he will be turning 3 on the 24th of this month. WHAT! Crazy. I still think of all the people that have yet to even meet him, even family and think, "man, how can time have flown by so quickly?"
So my future hope with my blog is that I will stay up with it, posting more of my shop and maybe some do's and don'ts. We will see where this part of my life/journey takes me. Wish me luck and try to be nice to me as I slowly enter the blogging world. Well I have been here, just I have never shared it with anyone before.
I always like to leave with a random picture of Jackson, because, well...he is cute. This is from the Air show this past weekend.
Taking each project and life one day at a time and attempting to make it into something beautiful and documenting that journey for our son.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Every now and then I
get a chance to do a special order and sometimes I fall madly in love with that
person's item, so much sometimes I make it for my own home! Shhh...this
will be our secret.
So a couple of weeks ago I was asked by one of the sweetest customers to make a 24x36 version of my 1 Corinthians bible scripture in a horizontal version with a white background and that pretty spa/blue vintage color. My first thought was, “wow that will be really big”. Lol.
Well I finished it, and I can’t think quick enough of where I am going to put my own and what scripture I am using! The color combo is spot on and she allowed me to pull out ALL my rustic methods and craziness. Thanks Kammy!
Here it is!
Visit us on Etsy for more items!
So a couple of weeks ago I was asked by one of the sweetest customers to make a 24x36 version of my 1 Corinthians bible scripture in a horizontal version with a white background and that pretty spa/blue vintage color. My first thought was, “wow that will be really big”. Lol.
Well I finished it, and I can’t think quick enough of where I am going to put my own and what scripture I am using! The color combo is spot on and she allowed me to pull out ALL my rustic methods and craziness. Thanks Kammy!
Here it is!
Monday, May 20, 2013
I have been wanting to talk a bit about my new desk and my husband's first trip to Ikea. And by talk I really mean, document. haha.
Side note: Looking back on my first year dating my husband I realized I can't remember very much, so that is the main reason for my blog and the random not in date order posts. I want to remember these good and bad times and of course my Etsy shop. I want my son to really know us.
Ok, back. A couple weeks ago when my husband was actually off from work on a Sunday. Saturday night we (I) decided with the help of Pinterest that I wanted to make a new desk. We did actually need something a little more functional as I was getting a new HUGE printer and needed some work space for my Etsy shop that is basically taking over my whole house. Must get organized! So I turned to him after hours of searching on Pinterest for the right one and said "hey, Ikea has the desk legs I need, lets go tomorrow". His response "yeah, lets do it!". I love my spontaneous husband.
BUT we maybe should have checked with our son first to see if he was on board for the almost 2hr trip to the closest Ikea. And I am pretty sure his answer would have been a big fat NO and then followed with "I want treats".
The trip up was fine but our son has this thing that if he is woken up before HE IS READY, then it awakens the beast. Yes. Don't look at his picture and think somehow I am lying, I am not. He is cute and that is the reason he still breathes.
As soon as we got to Ikea we decided to stop and eat first then shop on full stomachs. Well apparently our child was not hungry as he made the biggest scene and would not calm down. I ended scarfing down my food and waiting outside. Bad service did not help. We were able to get a little bit of time Ikea until my son starting up the beast again so we got our desk legs and some other stuff. Come on! You can't leave there with only one item especially when the closest one is 2hrs away from you!!! My only regret is I wish I would have got 2 sets, as now I have plans to make the desk longer against the longer wall in the den.
Our son finally feel asleep on the way home and stayed asleep till we got home and then he was normal again. NEVER, Ever Wake a sleeping Toddler!
Here are some not good pictures of the desk. I am very proud of the top and how smooth it is and how I got all 4 pieces to evenly match together. Regret...Wish I would have not used 2x6 and instead used 1x6 as it is SUPER heavy.
We still need a chair...I want this one from World Market. So pricey...
Side note: Looking back on my first year dating my husband I realized I can't remember very much, so that is the main reason for my blog and the random not in date order posts. I want to remember these good and bad times and of course my Etsy shop. I want my son to really know us.
Ok, back. A couple weeks ago when my husband was actually off from work on a Sunday. Saturday night we (I) decided with the help of Pinterest that I wanted to make a new desk. We did actually need something a little more functional as I was getting a new HUGE printer and needed some work space for my Etsy shop that is basically taking over my whole house. Must get organized! So I turned to him after hours of searching on Pinterest for the right one and said "hey, Ikea has the desk legs I need, lets go tomorrow". His response "yeah, lets do it!". I love my spontaneous husband.
BUT we maybe should have checked with our son first to see if he was on board for the almost 2hr trip to the closest Ikea. And I am pretty sure his answer would have been a big fat NO and then followed with "I want treats".
The trip up was fine but our son has this thing that if he is woken up before HE IS READY, then it awakens the beast. Yes. Don't look at his picture and think somehow I am lying, I am not. He is cute and that is the reason he still breathes.
As soon as we got to Ikea we decided to stop and eat first then shop on full stomachs. Well apparently our child was not hungry as he made the biggest scene and would not calm down. I ended scarfing down my food and waiting outside. Bad service did not help. We were able to get a little bit of time Ikea until my son starting up the beast again so we got our desk legs and some other stuff. Come on! You can't leave there with only one item especially when the closest one is 2hrs away from you!!! My only regret is I wish I would have got 2 sets, as now I have plans to make the desk longer against the longer wall in the den.
Our son finally feel asleep on the way home and stayed asleep till we got home and then he was normal again. NEVER, Ever Wake a sleeping Toddler!
Here are some not good pictures of the desk. I am very proud of the top and how smooth it is and how I got all 4 pieces to evenly match together. Regret...Wish I would have not used 2x6 and instead used 1x6 as it is SUPER heavy.
We still need a chair...I want this one from World Market. So pricey...
We also have some organizing to do to make room for this desk in the space we have. I am going to end up moving it to the long wall on the left and make the desk the entire length of the wall. Hence why I wish I would have gotten 2 sets of the legs. :(
Friday, May 10, 2013
It has been a discouraging couple of weeks. And when that happens I try to read back through the things that somehow made it a little bit better. Here is one. (pic is a little distorted)

This is what I need to hang in my office at home so I can constantly remind myself that there are stepping stones. Some people are lucky to have made it right away, others, it took awhile. I am just so anxious because I finally am doing something I love, but only part-time and its killing me. I mean destroying personal relationships and my health. I am constantly trying to find the balance and ALL I CAN think is, I want to do it Full time. But God is constantly reminding me that once again, there is a time for EVERYTHING, BUT one catch, in his time. I just wish HIS time was My time right now. lol.

This is what I need to hang in my office at home so I can constantly remind myself that there are stepping stones. Some people are lucky to have made it right away, others, it took awhile. I am just so anxious because I finally am doing something I love, but only part-time and its killing me. I mean destroying personal relationships and my health. I am constantly trying to find the balance and ALL I CAN think is, I want to do it Full time. But God is constantly reminding me that once again, there is a time for EVERYTHING, BUT one catch, in his time. I just wish HIS time was My time right now. lol.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
This post is a little behind but that is how my WHOLE life is these days. I feel as though I am constantly running to keep up leaving a whirlwind of disaster behind me. Example, this morning I picked up everything to take with me to work and apparently somewhere in there I sat my lunch down a forgot to pick it back up. Didn't even realize it till my husband called and said "do you know your lunch is on the foyer table?" Nope, sure didn't. So ok, I will have to buy lunch today. Order lunch, look for wallet, there is no wallet. Whats that? I left it in the backpack I used for Sunday and its still there AT HOME! Yeah, so basically I have been driving around for 2 days, and no wallet. Smooth.
BUT I am trying to focus on my accomplishments and leave the failures behind. Its hard, but it is good to stay positive and I NEED a lot of positive these days. The husband and I are starting a new life of eating healthy and we wanted to have a garden to support that, fresh herbs, veggies and so forth. Not wanting to spend too much on things to put them in that didn't fit our space, I went to building. My ultimate FAVORITE upon FAVORITE past time. I used some of my old pallet planters for the front porch for most of my herbs and I made a garden box for the tomatoes, peppers and hopefully cucumbers. So with 2 1x8 boards and half of a 4x4 I had in my garage I made this lovely.
We love it. And my husband whom actually has a green thumb waters his plants with pride. I also called this his Father's Day present. BONUS!
I actually have another posted drafted about my desk I made and a wonderful tantrum my son had while visiting IKEA this past weekend. Must document that one for his graduation, the little stinker!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Where do I even begin to describe this month? It has been a roller coaster of feelings and continues.
From wanting to buy a house and still not being ready, to being successful with my Etsy shop and still not having the time I want to put into it, but still being very thankful for being busy and meeting such incredible people along the way. But it constantly seems as though the goals the husband and I have set are not obtainable. It is discouraging. We also battled with some more sickness, I think my tonsils were swollen for 2 weeks. Something I never want to experience again. A Rustic Homemade non successful flea market appearance (which was alot of work), to a 75th surprise Birthday party for my grandmother for which my oldest brother, niece and nephew came to visit. It was very busy.
Then to top of that, my toddler son is going through the extreme fits phase. What is that ALL ABOUT??!?!!? He is a boy, we are not suppose to have these issues with him, right? I mean its EXTREME! From any given moment you don't even know what will set him off. It could be touch of the hand to taking off his shoes. It really is severe. I hope it ends soon or there will be no more children, he will be an only child. lol
One thing that the husband and I have started, which was one of our goals, is to finally loose the weight we have gained since we were married, or even started dating. I think I put on close to 100 pounds. There, there it is for all cyperspace to see. Took me 6 years, but yes I put on that much weight!! NOW that is severe. I actually told my husband the other night that I think I am addicted to food. He laughed and said " might be". Thanks. But seriously, I love food. I love the different flavors, cultures and so on. Plus I love cheese. That doesn't help either. But so far so good, lost 7lbs so far. Hey! I will take it!
So I need to stay encouraged and set out on the path God has for me. Its just going to be a long summer I think because there are so many goals we as a family have to make happen. But when you have God in your heart there is a reassurance that comes that even though it hard and you may second guess it sometimes you have a peace, a peace that certainly passes ALL understanding. Its heart warming.
So I leave with this, Giant Yard Dice! I am in love with them. I hope others think the same. They are fun to make and it helps me with my stresses of life. You can purchase them HERE in my shop.
From wanting to buy a house and still not being ready, to being successful with my Etsy shop and still not having the time I want to put into it, but still being very thankful for being busy and meeting such incredible people along the way. But it constantly seems as though the goals the husband and I have set are not obtainable. It is discouraging. We also battled with some more sickness, I think my tonsils were swollen for 2 weeks. Something I never want to experience again. A Rustic Homemade non successful flea market appearance (which was alot of work), to a 75th surprise Birthday party for my grandmother for which my oldest brother, niece and nephew came to visit. It was very busy.
Then to top of that, my toddler son is going through the extreme fits phase. What is that ALL ABOUT??!?!!? He is a boy, we are not suppose to have these issues with him, right? I mean its EXTREME! From any given moment you don't even know what will set him off. It could be touch of the hand to taking off his shoes. It really is severe. I hope it ends soon or there will be no more children, he will be an only child. lol
One thing that the husband and I have started, which was one of our goals, is to finally loose the weight we have gained since we were married, or even started dating. I think I put on close to 100 pounds. There, there it is for all cyperspace to see. Took me 6 years, but yes I put on that much weight!! NOW that is severe. I actually told my husband the other night that I think I am addicted to food. He laughed and said " might be". Thanks. But seriously, I love food. I love the different flavors, cultures and so on. Plus I love cheese. That doesn't help either. But so far so good, lost 7lbs so far. Hey! I will take it!
So I need to stay encouraged and set out on the path God has for me. Its just going to be a long summer I think because there are so many goals we as a family have to make happen. But when you have God in your heart there is a reassurance that comes that even though it hard and you may second guess it sometimes you have a peace, a peace that certainly passes ALL understanding. Its heart warming.
So I leave with this, Giant Yard Dice! I am in love with them. I hope others think the same. They are fun to make and it helps me with my stresses of life. You can purchase them HERE in my shop.
Monday, April 8, 2013
WOW! Just WOW! I don't know where my energy level came from this weekend but I am not going to questions it and thank Jesus for all that he has given me.
Saturday I was fortunate enough that my Mother-n-law was willing to watch little guy so that I could finish some building projects, Thank you Cindy!! Other than the sunburn I obtained it was rather successful. Actually I guess that makes the sun successful too. No thank you sun, no thank you. Later that night I choose to tackle finishing the master bedroom. I only made a dent but it was a really good one.
Sunday is where the second wind comes in to play. Little man has been waking up really early coughing and not being able to go back to sleep and with the husband working overnights it sums up to me not getting rest. But thankfully my body is getting used to a few hours. I started with waking up and looking at my coffee table and saying..."hmmm..I think I am going to finish that today." Usually it really is a good idea to not have 3 projects in your home going at once, but I was sure I could finish it in a reasonable time. I had already measured out the length days before when I was supposed to finish it so all I had to do was get the placement of the boards the way I want and get the coloring down. I finished the cuts and started the distressing look. I had an idea that I wanted a sort of driftwood and white wash look but wasn't sure I was going to obtain that certain look. And at first it had looked like I had made them too dark so I added some more white and then sanded them. I could have not been happier with the outcome.. I find myself just steering at it in the living room. It took me around 30-45 mins to finish the table and that is cutting, painting and installing. Not too bad. Then i cleaned the house so it will REALLY showcase our new addition.
Saturday I was fortunate enough that my Mother-n-law was willing to watch little guy so that I could finish some building projects, Thank you Cindy!! Other than the sunburn I obtained it was rather successful. Actually I guess that makes the sun successful too. No thank you sun, no thank you. Later that night I choose to tackle finishing the master bedroom. I only made a dent but it was a really good one.
Sunday is where the second wind comes in to play. Little man has been waking up really early coughing and not being able to go back to sleep and with the husband working overnights it sums up to me not getting rest. But thankfully my body is getting used to a few hours. I started with waking up and looking at my coffee table and saying..."hmmm..I think I am going to finish that today." Usually it really is a good idea to not have 3 projects in your home going at once, but I was sure I could finish it in a reasonable time. I had already measured out the length days before when I was supposed to finish it so all I had to do was get the placement of the boards the way I want and get the coloring down. I finished the cuts and started the distressing look. I had an idea that I wanted a sort of driftwood and white wash look but wasn't sure I was going to obtain that certain look. And at first it had looked like I had made them too dark so I added some more white and then sanded them. I could have not been happier with the outcome.. I find myself just steering at it in the living room. It took me around 30-45 mins to finish the table and that is cutting, painting and installing. Not too bad. Then i cleaned the house so it will REALLY showcase our new addition.
BEFORE!!!! |
I finished it off with dark green colored deck screws to give it more of a rustic driftwood feel. More pics? Sure ok!! Also notice I finally hung my deer silhouette.
I have more pictures of the finished result of little man's room but that will have to be a post for later maybe even along with our master bedroom that has endured I think 5 changes this year alone. lol, I still don't think I am happy with the comforter but I am too afraid to tell my husband I want to change it.
So that was my second wind. Woke up at 5am and didn't go to sleep until after midnight because I did finish cleaning our room when I told myself I did not want too after coming home from shopping with my mom and sister. Secret was I got some REALLY cute night stand lamps for the room and wanted to showcase them. I love Target.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
So this past week was Easter Sunday and it was a pretty good one. Although it felt as little as we were just going through the motions with our WHOLE house sick AGAIN! Husband and I actually got sick the same day after we took little man to the doctor and he ended up with a sinus and ear infection! We asked why this was happening and we were told, "deal with it now or deal with it the first year of school". Ok, we will take that as a legitimate excuse for now....but not for long.
We started the weekend off by trying to go to Laporte Farms here in Sebastian to their annual Easter Egg Hunt, yes while all sick. I was not letting this thing get the best of a holiday especially holiday fun as this....or so I thought. Little man was HORRIBLE. I mean...HORRIBLE. And that's all I want to relive on that subject.
Then Easter Sunday started early with sunrise service..with a 2 year old (don't think I will be doing that next year) and then Breakfast with the husband's family. His 2 sisters were in town from Tampa so we enjoyed some good family time especially with our new niece Sophia. Man she is a cutie AND A DIVA. Whew..Emily and Peter have their hands full. We also joined them for regular service at their church, and actually the church where husband and I met...awwww. AND THEN later that evening I got even sicker and had to go to the walk in Monday am to get medicated, so I missed more work :( Again, that is all I want to relive on that subject.
Although as many as my friends know, that does not stop me from creating and building. I am one of those people's who's minds do not stop, it is seriously always dreaming of making and creating new things. It is a blessing and a curse. Sometimes it does not allow me to even rest at night but then such beautiful things are created. Like little man's new big boy room. Taking plans from the Shanty Girls and Ana White I made one of their beds and almost the nightstand to match until I came up with something different. AND I have some pictures this time!!! woohoo! Keep in mind that the room is not done and is in process but I have to share so that when it is finally done I can look back at the progress. So rewarding...
Can you guess how many times I have had to make his bed to take a picture throughout the whole process. Yeah, like 8 times. 7 times too many. lol. I plan to put a truck decal on the "R' so that is why it is tilted and another nightstand on the side that is missing one. It is coming along. The design for the bed is also the Shanty Girls.
This is the Monster Truck I ordered from a shop on Etsy called DecoModWalls. Ann was so kind and gracious to custom make this truck into the large one you see here and little man cannot stop saying "MONSTER TRUCK". It really makes the room.
AH YES, here is the nightstand. I love it! The idea just came to me. I am sure there are versions out there but I took a plan from the Shanty Girls and again made it my own. It is a trunk where he can put most of his trucks and other things he might want to hide away from pesky moms and it has wheels that match the whole truck theme of the room. I wanted bigger wheels but they were almost $6 a piece and then times 8, equals more than I can spend. Instead I went with these that are $3 a piece. I think it still looks good and still remains safe for a very active toddler boy. I still need to make one more and hopefully will finish that tonight.
I am excited to finally be accomplishing his big boy room even though we hope to move out of this house soon, but at least his room with have some of a set up. Plus I think it gives him a sense of having his own space and he seems to be staying in his bed at night and not coming into ours. Bonus!
We started the weekend off by trying to go to Laporte Farms here in Sebastian to their annual Easter Egg Hunt, yes while all sick. I was not letting this thing get the best of a holiday especially holiday fun as this....or so I thought. Little man was HORRIBLE. I mean...HORRIBLE. And that's all I want to relive on that subject.
Then Easter Sunday started early with sunrise service..with a 2 year old (don't think I will be doing that next year) and then Breakfast with the husband's family. His 2 sisters were in town from Tampa so we enjoyed some good family time especially with our new niece Sophia. Man she is a cutie AND A DIVA. Whew..Emily and Peter have their hands full. We also joined them for regular service at their church, and actually the church where husband and I met...awwww. AND THEN later that evening I got even sicker and had to go to the walk in Monday am to get medicated, so I missed more work :( Again, that is all I want to relive on that subject.
![]() | |
Easter Morning..Yes those are Monster Trucks. Sophia, Emily and Jackson |
Although as many as my friends know, that does not stop me from creating and building. I am one of those people's who's minds do not stop, it is seriously always dreaming of making and creating new things. It is a blessing and a curse. Sometimes it does not allow me to even rest at night but then such beautiful things are created. Like little man's new big boy room. Taking plans from the Shanty Girls and Ana White I made one of their beds and almost the nightstand to match until I came up with something different. AND I have some pictures this time!!! woohoo! Keep in mind that the room is not done and is in process but I have to share so that when it is finally done I can look back at the progress. So rewarding...
Can you guess how many times I have had to make his bed to take a picture throughout the whole process. Yeah, like 8 times. 7 times too many. lol. I plan to put a truck decal on the "R' so that is why it is tilted and another nightstand on the side that is missing one. It is coming along. The design for the bed is also the Shanty Girls.
This is the Monster Truck I ordered from a shop on Etsy called DecoModWalls. Ann was so kind and gracious to custom make this truck into the large one you see here and little man cannot stop saying "MONSTER TRUCK". It really makes the room.
AH YES, here is the nightstand. I love it! The idea just came to me. I am sure there are versions out there but I took a plan from the Shanty Girls and again made it my own. It is a trunk where he can put most of his trucks and other things he might want to hide away from pesky moms and it has wheels that match the whole truck theme of the room. I wanted bigger wheels but they were almost $6 a piece and then times 8, equals more than I can spend. Instead I went with these that are $3 a piece. I think it still looks good and still remains safe for a very active toddler boy. I still need to make one more and hopefully will finish that tonight.
I am excited to finally be accomplishing his big boy room even though we hope to move out of this house soon, but at least his room with have some of a set up. Plus I think it gives him a sense of having his own space and he seems to be staying in his bed at night and not coming into ours. Bonus!
Monday, March 25, 2013
This past weekend I spent every waking moment with my son. This is a love and sad time for me. Whenever the hubby works the weekend which is every other week, the boy and I tend to spend alot of time with each other. And sometimes it is tiring because he insists on waking me up sooooooo early in the am and then when Monday comes and I am at work, I miss him like crazy. I miss the "mom, fix this" and the "mom, juice" and of course my personal favorite the "uh oh's". He is a joy to have around and I can say I am never bored. I still love playing trucks with him and fixing the same one over and over. And sometimes when he gets into something he shouldn't and after I correct him I smile a little because he is just that cute.
Last night while saying prayers I asked him who he wanted to bless. Here is the list...In order.
Pap, Nana, George, Ruby, Rocky (?lol), Racheal...I asked him what about dad, he then blessed Dad's truck.
ok kid, got that Jesus? Like I said, never bored.
I had to share that, So back to my title. New Goals. Potty training. I refuse to buy anymore diapers. Pull ups and underwear that is us. He will be potty trained by the end of next month. That is my goal. I know I can make it happen.
Another goal. Feeling happy with my life NOW. Lately I have read a few random things on women who have written the need to compare themselves to other women and not living up. So therefore they feel inadiquate and depressed. This is me, so me. It seems when we see other mom's doing fun and awesome things with their kids we loose site of the cool and awesome things we do with our kids. Therefore putting their cool things above ours because the world has set that standard for us. So we think we are a failure, like me and potty training. I ask time and time again, is it me? Is it my fault? Am I not dedicated enough? HECK YA I AM. The boy is just not ready! lol Its a funny thing being a mom. We want the very best for our kids and we strive so hard for it, leaving behind one best thing is for their parents to be happy. Happy parents make happy kids. Something I hope I can learn to live by as the years go by.
So, with that said, I cleaned and mopped my house because a clean house MAKES ME VERY HAPPY!!
Last night while saying prayers I asked him who he wanted to bless. Here is the list...In order.
Pap, Nana, George, Ruby, Rocky (?lol), Racheal...I asked him what about dad, he then blessed Dad's truck.
ok kid, got that Jesus? Like I said, never bored.
I had to share that, So back to my title. New Goals. Potty training. I refuse to buy anymore diapers. Pull ups and underwear that is us. He will be potty trained by the end of next month. That is my goal. I know I can make it happen.
Another goal. Feeling happy with my life NOW. Lately I have read a few random things on women who have written the need to compare themselves to other women and not living up. So therefore they feel inadiquate and depressed. This is me, so me. It seems when we see other mom's doing fun and awesome things with their kids we loose site of the cool and awesome things we do with our kids. Therefore putting their cool things above ours because the world has set that standard for us. So we think we are a failure, like me and potty training. I ask time and time again, is it me? Is it my fault? Am I not dedicated enough? HECK YA I AM. The boy is just not ready! lol Its a funny thing being a mom. We want the very best for our kids and we strive so hard for it, leaving behind one best thing is for their parents to be happy. Happy parents make happy kids. Something I hope I can learn to live by as the years go by.
So, with that said, I cleaned and mopped my house because a clean house MAKES ME VERY HAPPY!!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
This should be my new blog title! lol. Life is never dull with my only child. Right now he has moved from obsession with trains to trucks. And not just any trucks "MONSTER TRUCKS". Given all caps because it is meant to be said with some enthusiasm like the boy says it EVERY time. He also loves the Cars series. Well the husband and I were walking through Walmart, our least favorite place, when we happened upon a Cars Tshirt. BUT not just any run of the mill cheesy animated character Tshirt. These Cars characters were...you got it, MONSTER TRUCKS! And with a $6 price tag it was definitely going home with us.
So this am we had our normal routine of running late for preschool and I for work when I had the brilliant idea that the boy should wear the new shirt. He would not stop saying "queen" and "MONSTER TRUCK" over and over. It was adorable. However what was not adorable was were the events that followed. I live in Florida, why was it 55 degrees outside the first day of Spring? Luckily I had a sweatshirt for the boy in the car so we hopped in and headed to school. Before I went to get the boy out of his car seat I put the sweatshirt on him to keep him warm until the sun decided to show up. WELL, he was not happy that I, me, apparently a foolish mom slash woman covered up the beloved MONSTER TRUCKS to the point that he could no longer see them. What in the world was I thinking?!?!
He survived, sucked it up and walked into his classroom where we quickly took it off and he proceeded to point at his chest with that foolish grin and say "queen! MONSTER TRUCKS!".
On another note about school, one of his favorite teachers told me with amazement that she had never seen a 2yr old that actually knew ALL the letters and numbers. I told her that while he does not know them in the order they go in, He has known them for some time. I felt a little vindicated because I always say how smart he is, but feel like people just think because I am his mom I have to say that. NOPE, he is a genius and other people are starting to catch on! Booya! haha. LOL, Just so whomever reads this and doesn't think I am full of myself, my son who is a blonde still occasionally runs into walls because he walks looking up. OK OK, he does it alot! Poor kid.
So this am we had our normal routine of running late for preschool and I for work when I had the brilliant idea that the boy should wear the new shirt. He would not stop saying "queen" and "MONSTER TRUCK" over and over. It was adorable. However what was not adorable was were the events that followed. I live in Florida, why was it 55 degrees outside the first day of Spring? Luckily I had a sweatshirt for the boy in the car so we hopped in and headed to school. Before I went to get the boy out of his car seat I put the sweatshirt on him to keep him warm until the sun decided to show up. WELL, he was not happy that I, me, apparently a foolish mom slash woman covered up the beloved MONSTER TRUCKS to the point that he could no longer see them. What in the world was I thinking?!?!
He survived, sucked it up and walked into his classroom where we quickly took it off and he proceeded to point at his chest with that foolish grin and say "queen! MONSTER TRUCKS!".
On another note about school, one of his favorite teachers told me with amazement that she had never seen a 2yr old that actually knew ALL the letters and numbers. I told her that while he does not know them in the order they go in, He has known them for some time. I felt a little vindicated because I always say how smart he is, but feel like people just think because I am his mom I have to say that. NOPE, he is a genius and other people are starting to catch on! Booya! haha. LOL, Just so whomever reads this and doesn't think I am full of myself, my son who is a blonde still occasionally runs into walls because he walks looking up. OK OK, he does it alot! Poor kid.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
I have failed horribly at keeping up with my blog. I promised myself I would try to journal these times for my son so as my memory fades he will look back and know I was one cool mom. Ok maybe just look back and say glad he made it out alive. Either way it would be documented.
The Etsy store has taken most of my free time that I used for writing this blog and I have to say, I am loving it! I get to know so many awesome people.

The month of February was especially difficult because we ALL kept getting sick. I think we had 4 visits to the Pediatrician, 2 visits to the walk ins, and 5 days out of work. It was a trying month. But here we are, on the mend and looking forward to family visiting us soon and Easter. I even got a really girly Easter dress to wear. Yeah, that's right, I get a new dress for Easter just like I have done since I was 5. So what?! lol.
I really do hope to post more pics of us going through this life we lead but I am in the process of trying to start a blog for my business, so that is also taking some time away from this one I started so many years ago.
This weekend the husband and I will be celebrating our wedding anniversary, 5 years! Its actually not until the 22nd, but the husband has to work, so you take what you can get, right? I also got a dress for that occasion. What? I like dresses. So if you keep up with my blog, hang in there, I promise I won't always be boring and I promise to post more pics so you won't have to suffer through my bad grammar and spelling without pics. haha.
The Etsy store has taken most of my free time that I used for writing this blog and I have to say, I am loving it! I get to know so many awesome people.
Life has been hectic as Jackson has started preschool and
the adapting process was a bit rough and recently we finally had a breakthrough,
he didn’t cry or grab for my leg when I have been dropping him off...YAY!
I think we are going to make it….
I think we are going to make it….

The month of February was especially difficult because we ALL kept getting sick. I think we had 4 visits to the Pediatrician, 2 visits to the walk ins, and 5 days out of work. It was a trying month. But here we are, on the mend and looking forward to family visiting us soon and Easter. I even got a really girly Easter dress to wear. Yeah, that's right, I get a new dress for Easter just like I have done since I was 5. So what?! lol.
I really do hope to post more pics of us going through this life we lead but I am in the process of trying to start a blog for my business, so that is also taking some time away from this one I started so many years ago.
This weekend the husband and I will be celebrating our wedding anniversary, 5 years! Its actually not until the 22nd, but the husband has to work, so you take what you can get, right? I also got a dress for that occasion. What? I like dresses. So if you keep up with my blog, hang in there, I promise I won't always be boring and I promise to post more pics so you won't have to suffer through my bad grammar and spelling without pics. haha.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Daycare? Really I have too? I can't just stay home with my baby and cuddle till lunch time? Sometimes you have to just say, "life isn't fair". We have come to the point that due to other circumstances that we have to put our little guy in daycare. It is painful for me and is randomly bringing on tears. There are positives of course, I don't mean to make it out like it is really horrible. Its just horrible to me because the other option is me staying home with him and that sounds WAY better! He will be with one of his best buds and other kids his age. He will probably love it, as he already straps his little Thomas the train backpack on and says "bus" and heads for the door. Really? I mean can I get one tear?! Your killing me kid.
But here is where this blog helps me. I think at least Jackson will know that I didn't really want to say goodbye to him each morning and sometimes I cried when I left him. And he will know that I (we) did what we had to support for him. And that in a perfect and more planned out world things would be different.
I will get through this as I do everything, build more items for my Etsy store. HA! Yes, last night while stressing about who was going to watch my son I built a beautiful serving tray. I hope to have it listed sometime later this week. But with each nail I let out my frustration. So I hope whomever buys it will know they are getting a work of art and something that will never come a part. LOL.
Stay tuned my few followers...I think there is 2! Sad. Are you sure you guys want to know what goes on inside my head? Think about it.
But here is where this blog helps me. I think at least Jackson will know that I didn't really want to say goodbye to him each morning and sometimes I cried when I left him. And he will know that I (we) did what we had to support for him. And that in a perfect and more planned out world things would be different.
I will get through this as I do everything, build more items for my Etsy store. HA! Yes, last night while stressing about who was going to watch my son I built a beautiful serving tray. I hope to have it listed sometime later this week. But with each nail I let out my frustration. So I hope whomever buys it will know they are getting a work of art and something that will never come a part. LOL.
Stay tuned my few followers...I think there is 2! Sad. Are you sure you guys want to know what goes on inside my head? Think about it.
Friday, January 11, 2013
have to do? Leave a comment telling me where you would hang it and how
you would use it and I will pick one person from that comment on
Tuesday, January 15th. Enjoy!
Monday, January 7, 2013
I have decided since I want to learn to make my own furniture so that I can have what I want and the quality I want I am starting with Jackson's bed. Yes, I know it sounds like a lot of work but I don't think it will be. I am excited to see it finished. A Big thank you to Ana White for her inspiration and project design I am going to make it happen.
Here it is in all of its wonderful glory.
I even got bedding from Target that has the plaid but brighter blues and reds.
I think Jackson will love it and I hope he can one day say, "my mom made that for me". Look for more post coming soon. You can find the design on Ana White's site here
Here it is in all of its wonderful glory.
I even got bedding from Target that has the plaid but brighter blues and reds.
I think Jackson will love it and I hope he can one day say, "my mom made that for me". Look for more post coming soon. You can find the design on Ana White's site here
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Here I sit in amazement that a month has gone by and I have not posted a blog. I look back and a few words come to mind, thankful, busy and optimistic.
Lets do THANKFUL first....
Thankful for my husband's new job, for the unexpected bonus for each of us, for the paying down our debt so we are closer to buying our house, for a beautiful Christmas (and Christmas tree), for family, for the success of my Etsy store and most for each other. It has been a long year and alot has changed. Just this morning as I was dropping my son off at my Mother n Law's she said that God's word to her for the New Year was "change". I think that really applies. I feel good about 2013 but then again I feel good about every new start of the year so I can't say that is truly different. BUT.. I do feel this is the year to finally shed those unwanted pounds and to accomplish alot of goals financially that we have been setting out to do for awhile. So I think that might cover THANKFUL and OPTIMISTIC. haha.
I think this is the word most used in my blog. It was my first December having an Etsy shop and to my surprise I was Busy. But I also have a full time job which is something most blog and Etsy owners do not have. It is hard balancing my life and to be honest my husband gets the shaft most of the time. Poor Guy. I hope to spend more alone time with him in 2013, ESPECIALLY since we will be married for 5 years!!! It may seem like a little number to some, but it is a long road for us. Alot has happened good and bad and we are still here. I want to be very happy and proud about that.
So CHRISTMAS 2012 rundown....
Jackson to my surprise enjoyed the unwrapping present fiasco. With each tiny rip to uncover tools, trucks and trains it was followed up with the words..."open". He was adorable. This year we made Jackson a tent for his room or reading nook. Depends on what Jackson decides to do with it. ha! And we are in the process of changing his room from Nursery to little boy room. Sad face. BUT I think he will be happy with the change and the new bed I AM GOING TO MAKE HIM!! WHAT?!?!?! Crazy..haha
I do have pictures and video to share, but our new computer is coming Thursday, YAY!!! so they will have to be posted in a separate/special blog. :)
So I am excited about a book I got for Christmas. Ana Whites's book. I call her the DIY Queen. The husband thinks that is funny. She has really inspired me to live my dream of building furniture and things for my home. So I started out slow, built some shelves this weekend. Yeah they are awesome. Pictures? Why yes, yes I do. They will also be in that special post AFTER the new FANCY computer arrives.
All in all, we are happy. May not be happy physically but we are very happy about what is to come. I pray for whomever reads this blog that you know that we don't claim to do this on our own, God brought us to this point. Why although we don't claim to be perfect or right with everything we do, we ultimately thank God for everything we have and will do. Be encouraged that everything is in his time and plan even if it is heartbreak and hard times.
Lets do THANKFUL first....
Thankful for my husband's new job, for the unexpected bonus for each of us, for the paying down our debt so we are closer to buying our house, for a beautiful Christmas (and Christmas tree), for family, for the success of my Etsy store and most for each other. It has been a long year and alot has changed. Just this morning as I was dropping my son off at my Mother n Law's she said that God's word to her for the New Year was "change". I think that really applies. I feel good about 2013 but then again I feel good about every new start of the year so I can't say that is truly different. BUT.. I do feel this is the year to finally shed those unwanted pounds and to accomplish alot of goals financially that we have been setting out to do for awhile. So I think that might cover THANKFUL and OPTIMISTIC. haha.
I think this is the word most used in my blog. It was my first December having an Etsy shop and to my surprise I was Busy. But I also have a full time job which is something most blog and Etsy owners do not have. It is hard balancing my life and to be honest my husband gets the shaft most of the time. Poor Guy. I hope to spend more alone time with him in 2013, ESPECIALLY since we will be married for 5 years!!! It may seem like a little number to some, but it is a long road for us. Alot has happened good and bad and we are still here. I want to be very happy and proud about that.
So CHRISTMAS 2012 rundown....
Jackson to my surprise enjoyed the unwrapping present fiasco. With each tiny rip to uncover tools, trucks and trains it was followed up with the words..."open". He was adorable. This year we made Jackson a tent for his room or reading nook. Depends on what Jackson decides to do with it. ha! And we are in the process of changing his room from Nursery to little boy room. Sad face. BUT I think he will be happy with the change and the new bed I AM GOING TO MAKE HIM!! WHAT?!?!?! Crazy..haha
I do have pictures and video to share, but our new computer is coming Thursday, YAY!!! so they will have to be posted in a separate/special blog. :)
So I am excited about a book I got for Christmas. Ana Whites's book. I call her the DIY Queen. The husband thinks that is funny. She has really inspired me to live my dream of building furniture and things for my home. So I started out slow, built some shelves this weekend. Yeah they are awesome. Pictures? Why yes, yes I do. They will also be in that special post AFTER the new FANCY computer arrives.
All in all, we are happy. May not be happy physically but we are very happy about what is to come. I pray for whomever reads this blog that you know that we don't claim to do this on our own, God brought us to this point. Why although we don't claim to be perfect or right with everything we do, we ultimately thank God for everything we have and will do. Be encouraged that everything is in his time and plan even if it is heartbreak and hard times.
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