So I thought about my blog last night and said to myself, I think its been awhile since my last post. One of my goals for a year is making sure I continue to write stuff on here so that Jackson can look back on it and know me when I still had a working brain. HA!
Thanksgiving came and went and I still have not decorated for Christmas. I have so many ideas for my shop and just not enough time to complete them and so far it is taking all of my available thinking brain space. I reorganized my shop this past weekend to make it more user friendly so that hopefully I can create some stock so that most items will be ready for shipment as soon as ordered.
We will see...
Jackson has figured out how to escape his crib so its time for a toddler bed. Is it ok that I am not ready for selfish reasons? Like the early 7:30 am wake up call on the weekends saying "hi mom". Yeah, I am not ready.
Oh I also cleaned off a spot for my newly/used acquired elliptical that is hopefully going to finally allow me to shed these unwanted pounds. We will see....
I wish had some sort of pictures to post of the boy or even the shop, but sadly I do not because that would require some more time on my part. HA! But I do have some from last month of my house before the "tornado" named Us went through. And as always visit me at my Etsy store
Taking each project and life one day at a time and attempting to make it into something beautiful and documenting that journey for our son.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Do you know that feeling when you know that God has answered your
prayer? Or when you work toward a goal for so long to finally see the
accomplishment? Well put those together and you will know how I feel
God has been very faithful to us that I had to share. It all started 3 years ago, before Jackson
was a thought (to us). I believed that
God spoke very clearly to me that Will was supposed to be in Law enforcement. So while he was working at Wal-Mart and very
unhappy I went to him one night and said “we NEED to make this happen, that is
where God wants you.” So we began
looking into sponsorship because it would have been too expensive
otherwise. Will’s first pick has ALWAYS
been St Lucie County. I mean every since
I knew him he has had a blank application for St Lucie and never filled it out! BUT we were told they were not sponsoring any
new officers, actually we were told NO ONE was sponsoring, but we were only
looking for Corrections sponsoring at this point which is basically his foot in
the door. So we told ourselves, NO, this
is where God wants us and who is anyone to say what we can or can’t do!
This was September of 2009. In April of 2010 just shortly after we announced
we were pregnant with Jackson, we got a random tip that the State prison here
in Indian River County was hiring AND get this, sponsoring new correction
officers!!! Will went that next day to
pick up an application and meet the recruiter.
The recruiter took one look at him and said, “You have to apply, we want
you here”. He even then went on to say
that he should have the application turned in that week because he was transferring
out and would want to see his application and try and push it through. WHAT?! Crazy right?
Well it happened. While we waited
over the next couple of months and to be given a hire date, Will struggled with
Wal-Mart. While not wanting to be there
and having calls from the state, saying it would be a few more weeks, it was
hard to stay positive.
Then, July 2009 while at a
very bad day at Wal-Mart and right before his boss was coming in to give him a
d-day (close to termination in Wal-Mart terms) He got the call from the state, “your
hired”. He gave his 2 weeks and said his
goodbyes. Sometimes our God is a last
minute God.
So the story doesn’t end there.
While starting the new job and me being pregnant and on bed rest, then
the hospital bed rest, Will started the academy October 2010. Some people might say, “Didn’t you have
Jackson Oct 2010” and yes, you would be correct. All I remember from that time is being REALLY
tired. As Will was not able to even take
one day off and only had the weekends, times were hard. But you know what? We made it, and Jackson
could not be any more perfect. So Will
passed the academy with flying colors. Of
course and he got his certification in March 2011.
Things were going really well and Will was fulfilling his two year commitment
that the State puts on giving you your certification. Then in January 2012 we got the news that The
State Prison of Indian River County was one of 7 in the State of Florida that was
closing their doors due to cut backs. We
along with the other families we had gotten to know took this as a huge hit. There
was talk about far away transfers and NO transfers at all. With not know what to expect I told Will that
this like other things comes as no surprise to God.
He would not bring you somewhere and drop you off only to forget or not
be aware of what was going to happen. We
could only do our part by applying with other agencies and praying that God
could open a door.
In June 2012, Will was
transferred to Okeechobee. We were in a
bit of luck in the sense that other officers that lived close by were able to
carpool and share in the cost of gas.
Because at almost $4 a gallon and a 2hr drive everyday it would have
killed us! It was a rough road for awhile
and sometimes we were going without things just to pay for gas, but you know
what? We made it.
Here is the really awesome part. In July of 2012 we got the call that Will had
an appointment with the oral board for St Lucie County. What is that?
Is like an interview but with 4 people, consisting of human resources, a
captain and others. That may not be exact
but you get the idea. They are all there to ask one person a bunch of have to
be honest kind of questions. So the
appointment was scheduled for a Friday in July and Will got dressed up
including jacket and tie and made the drive.
Only to find out that the lady in the human resources gave him the wrong
day and it was actually Thursday, as in the day before. Ugh….. Will was so hurt, feeling as though he
missed his chance to be where he wanted to be, to not be driving 2 hours every day
for work. It was rough. But guess what? We made it! I told Will again, this comes as NO surprise to
God. He is faithful and this DEFINITLY
happened for a reason. But it was hard.
THEN…..September 2012, we got the call for our oral board for
St Lucie County and Will nailed it!!
They continued the LONG process of background checks, neighbor
interviews and psych tests. And while
that was happening, Indian River County called for an Oral board appointment!!!
That’s right, he nailed that one too!!
They were continuing the process as well. The week of Jackson’s 2nd
birthday, the week he took off to spend with Jackson was filled with Psych
interviews, polygraph tests and health tests for both agencies. When Will and I discussed which one he wanted,
he was unsure at that point. But I knew
in my heart where he really wanted to be but told him that this time, it was
his decision and his alone to make, not mine, or Jacksons. So he told me that the first person to call
and give him a hire date was the one he was going with. Then on October 31st, he got the
WELCOME TO ST LUCIE COUNTY!! November 19th!! Finally 3 years in the making as I ironed my
husband’s green polyester sheriff’s uniform I cried to myself tears of joy. And
as I watched him get dressed this morning and after he put that star on his
uniform, I prayed, a prayer of thankfulness and safety. I thanked my God for being so thankful to us
and to my husband and seeing his heart’s desire.
Monday, November 12, 2012
What a busy weekend!!
We had 3 Birthday parties!!! Happy
Birthday to John Alex, Madison and our best bud Quinn!! I will be posting more
pics later but wanted to share this gold gem I came across while editing
photos. Its 3:30 now and I am still
working and still even though my little guy is 2 I can’t help but count down
the minutes to when I can leave work and pick him up. He truly is the coolest kid I know and I am
so lucky to be his “mom”. Love you baby
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It came and went. I loved that I did a train party for the little guy and he loved it, but I don't think I will do it again. Me along with hubby and some friends have decided on Sea World for next year for the little guy and his best bud. I will let some picture do the talking, but I wanted to mention for a later date me if I read this, yes, you did cook a double batch of beans and COMPLETELY forget to put them out. Well played.
He ended the day with some alone play time with his best bud Quinn. Jackson's favorite thing by far was the trackless train. As one kid put it, "i love Jackson's birthday party!". That in its self makes it ALL worth it.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
SO BUSY! We are busy preparing for Jackson's 2nd birthday party this week. AND on top of that the husband has had two really good job offers to bring him closer to home instead of driving 1 hour each way. AND my shop on Etsy, Rustic Homemade, has had a sudden surge of customers. Thank you so much Etsy buyers, you have no idea how much I love and thank you for not only giving me business but allowing me to do what I love. So I think the statement when it "rains it pours" could apply here, but in a positive way.
I also wanted to make sure I make a note about Jackson's birthday day yesterday because..well...I want him to read about it one day JUST in case I forget everything!
I also wanted to make sure I make a note about Jackson's birthday day yesterday because..well...I want him to read about it one day JUST in case I forget everything!
I started by taking the day off from work. Woke up, made him blueberry pancakes...Ummm..yum. I used Bisquick mix and jiffy blueberry muffin mix, added some egg beaters and water and once again...YUM!
Then Hubby had to work on his gift from Nana and Pap and I am happy to report it is completed. After probably a million pieces and an manual that resembles a large novel.
The Cabin
The Hubby actually finished it with the assistance of Pap while we went and got haircuts and saw the Doctor for Jackson's 2 year follow up. And when we came home he was quick to check it out.
Then we went to the mall for a late lunch early dinner.
THEN...A trip to the Arcade because Jackson saw the motorcycle.
Dad was MORE than willing.
We also decided to buy Jackson a fish as his Birthday present to be our pet, since I do not have time for a dog and a cat is completely out of the question. We didn't name him/her yet but for now we call it "Fish".
Then the rest is just boring and consist of me working on Etsy orders. No, there are no pictures of me in my work clothes people, I know, its heart breaking. There will be more posts next week as we are also dealing with a Category 2 hurricane named "Sandy" that is going to brush along our coast and the last time that happened we had some Tornado's touch down. YIKES!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
baby boy is turning 2 tomorrow. It is sad and exciting all at the same
time. I miss the baby that he used to be but every day is new with him. Just the other day we asked him "Jackson, what does the train say?" He responds with an adorable "ALLlllll Aboarrrd". He has the most sweet voice and I never want to take a moment for granted. Each day is precious. Therefore I am taking off work tomorrow to be with the boy and remember the day that my body wants to forget.
RECAP: 6 weeks of bed rest, 3 week hospital stay, 36 hours of labor. Which I know it could have been worse, but I knew in my heart of hearts that God was giving me this wonderful child and he is EVEN MORE than I dreamed. I still cannot look back on my pregnancy without crying tears of emotion or pure Joy. I love just being 'Jackson's mom".
Love you baby boy!!!
Love you baby boy!!!
Friday, October 19, 2012
No rest for the crafty at heart!!
Ha! I am trying to finish most of my unfinished house projects in preparation for the boy's 2nd Birthday party...Its going....ok.
I finally got everyone least I hope so. Now here comes the waiting to set your plans in motion part. You plan plan plan, but unless you can actually do it, it lingers over you like a bad headache.
On another note, I was going through pictures the other day and ran across some of our pictures from our random Tampa trip to see my SIL to find out what she is having...ITS A GIRL!!! While we were there we went to Busch Gardens. The boy really liked the Monkeys and shows we got to see while there but missed seeing the birds. BUT Shhhhhhh......we are taking the boy to the Zoo for his actual birthday next week. He is going to FREAK! In a good way...
From Busch Gardens/Tampa
CONGRATS Em on your upcoming girl. We can't wait to meet her!!!
Ha! I am trying to finish most of my unfinished house projects in preparation for the boy's 2nd Birthday party...Its going....ok.
I finally got everyone least I hope so. Now here comes the waiting to set your plans in motion part. You plan plan plan, but unless you can actually do it, it lingers over you like a bad headache.
On another note, I was going through pictures the other day and ran across some of our pictures from our random Tampa trip to see my SIL to find out what she is having...ITS A GIRL!!! While we were there we went to Busch Gardens. The boy really liked the Monkeys and shows we got to see while there but missed seeing the birds. BUT Shhhhhhh......we are taking the boy to the Zoo for his actual birthday next week. He is going to FREAK! In a good way...
From Busch Gardens/Tampa
Jackson kept saying "monkeeee...monkeee". It was truly one of the cutest sounds. He is madly in love with Curious George so this was quite the moment for him.
The Monkees even came right over to the glass and said "hello".
At least I think that is what they did, I don't speak Monkeeeee.
CONGRATS Em on your upcoming girl. We can't wait to meet her!!!
Monday, October 15, 2012
I have this thing about getting anxious when I want something to be a certain way and its not or have a project in mind and want it to look a certain way and it doesn't. I tend to rush so much toward a goal that I ignore everything else that needs or wants my attention. Like my Etsy store. I want it to be a medium success, that is what I am working toward. But meanwhile while its not, I tend to get upset or even depressed at some point. Why? Or like loosing the weight that my cardiologist have told me ever so sternly that I need to lose, can I do this in a day? No. I find that today I am telling myself, "You are working toward a goal". A goal to finish painting all your doors, to succeed with your Etsy shop, TO SUCCEED WITH YOUR BLOG, to succeed with the weight loss and to succeed with buying that house you so desperately want. It truly is all in God's timing and you are working toward that goal.
Like my most favorite scripture of all times and one that is even listed on my blog.
Like my most favorite scripture of all times and one that is even listed on my blog.
For everything there is a season,
and a time for every purpose under heaven:
and a time for every purpose under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time
to die; a time to plant,
and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
a time to weep, and a time to
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to cast away stones, and
a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to seek, and a time to
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
a time to rend, and a time to
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
a time
to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace.
a time for war, and a time for peace.
What profit hath he that
worketh in that wherein he laboreth?
He hath made everything
beautiful in its time:
also he hath set eternity in their heart,
yet so that man cannot find out the work that God hath done
also he hath set eternity in their heart,
yet so that man cannot find out the work that God hath done
the beginning even to the end.
So some exciting things are happening in our family and my Etsy
store. I am getting ready to give it a bit of a face lift AND we are
closer to a new better job for the husband that doesn't have him traveling for
work an hour each way and we are moving forward with trying to purchase a home
by summer 2013. And of course lets not forgot the upcoming fabulous 2nd birthday for the boy! This year is train themed and i have picked several different things from Pinterest pinners and I think it is going to be adorable. Stay tuned for those pics later this month.
And like with most things everything is with
God’s blessings and only in his timing.
I will leave you with this picture taken this weekend with one of the boy's uncles and his huge orange jeep that the boy loves and loves to drive. yeah he drove it up the street, don't judge me or call the cops.
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