Thursday, March 20, 2014


The title can tell most of the story.  About 3 years ago hubby and I set out to fix our credit, get some things paid off and try to buy a home.  Where it may just come easy to most people proved to be harder for us.  With the upset of changing jobs (both of us) and the state of the economy we started to believe that it would never happen for us.

WELL today, we are just a little closer to moving out of our rented, small 2 bed home (with no backyard).  I am almost speechless on how it all came about, and since I am a moderately private person I will leave out most details, but this is nothing short of a miracle.  We are so blessed beyond words and are in a state of disbelief that all that hard work and prayer has finally been seen and heard.  

This may also seem a little to deep to most and might have one saying "geez its just a house", but for us its 3 years of hard work and came at a time when we had given up.  So NO, its not JUST a house, its a blessing.  And blessings are a BIG DEAL!  

We are still under contract and have a few more processes to overcome, but I had to share and could not hold this in any longer.  

So please continue to pray, celebrate and cry with us as we finish the process.  And for our friends who have been there for us encouraging us to stay strong, thank you.



Kathleen said...

Congratulations! I know this is a huge step and a huge accomplishment! Wow!

Kathleen said...

Congratulations! I know this is a huge step and a huge accomplishment! Wow!

Stephanie said...

Thank you Kathleen!